I love Stan Lee. I grew up with his Marvel Universe. He asked us to believe that we all have the possibility to be Super Humans. His story lines took an average human, and gave them super human abilities. Sometimes through super natural happenings, and other times through genetic mutations.
Kind of a far stretch? Probably on the super natural happenings. However, genetic mutations were not such a stretch. There is a science to super human abilities. It is very real.
Well into his 90s, Stan was given a show that explored super human abilities. Stan Lee's Superhumans travels around the world to find examples of super human feats. Such feats not only include physical achievements, they also focus on mental abnormalities.
Each episode sends a super human, Daniel Browning(who is an amazing contortionist) to find other super humans. I just love the fact he uses a super human to find other super humans. Its like Stan Lee is Professor X sending out the Wolverine (Browning) to find the super human. Exactly from his comic books.
Science, Geography, History and Math come alive. What makes the show very clever is Stan sets the bar high. He wants to prove they are super humans. He tests their abilities using research and medical science to explain the abilities. Often times, a Marvel Universe character is compared to the super human, which brings the comics alive.
My kids love the show. I am confident yours will love Stan Lee's Superhumans. The show will expand their minds to explore the possibilities within their own universe. (Just make sure they do not try any of the examples they watch.)
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