Monday, August 1, 2016

Quantum Leap

Few shows capture the imagination of science as Quantum Leap did in the 1980s. The show combines science, history, and social commentary as part of a journey for kids to learn that parallel universes allow us to analyze the past.

Parallel universes are nothing new to television viewing. The Twilight Zone captured our attention with time travel. Quantum Leap was an upgrade to the Twilight Zone. It might not have the intelligence of Rod Serling, however for a child, it captures the essence of what Serling was trying to accomplish with an adult audience.

Some episodes may not be appropriate for younger children. However most are great for 8 -13 year olds. Overall, the show uses humor to keep most episodes light hearted. Some however will surely encourage critical thinking for your children, and provide for interesting conversations around the dinner table.

Season 1 episode 7 is probably one of my favorites. Sam does a quantum leap into the body of an African American in the deep south during the 1950s. (The Color Of Truth) One of Sam's most complicated missions, as he struggles being in the deep south with the moral compass of a future generation. Truly an episode worth watching with your children.

Quantum Leap is also a great companion for science and technology discussions. We have barely touched the possibilities of quantum physics, and Quantum Leap stands the test of time, and encourages children to explore the realms of our universe.

You can find Quantum Leap on Netflix, or boxed sets are very reasonable on Amazon or Ebay.