Climate change. Our legacy for our children. Most likely caused by denial that it truly exists. It is up to this current generation to fix the damage we have caused. Education is the key. Like so many recommendations from this blog, documentaries and movies help us understand a new reality. For this reason, I am reviewing Before The Flood, and strongly encourage families to watch this with their children.
What is Before The Flood? Before The flood is a National Geographic documentary on climate change. Leonardo DiCaprio is leads the presentation from start to finish.. His presence was actually a stronger part of the movie than I would have expected. I truly believe he accomplished what Al Gore could not. Many years ago, Al Gore had a similar movie known as an Inconvenient Truth. While and excellent movie, it had a feeling of a PowerPoint presentation by the former Vice President. What Leonardo DiCaprio brings to this documentary is the heart lacking from an Inconvenient Truth. It is a stunning look into the science of climate change. It is undeniable, and happening now.
Leo starts the movie with his childhood vision conjured up by a renaissance art painting, "The Garden of Earthly Delights." He discusses how climate change frightened him, and he makes an astonishing connection to this brilliant piece of art. The revelation that humans are at a point in which their is no turning back on the damage fossil fuels have done to our environment.
If we were to show this film to every classroom, we would surely see a change in our culture. However, films like this are optional, which is part of the problem .We allow the Koch brothers and big business to prevent a mass education to our children about climate change. The science is clear, yet there is so much doubt in the United States that climate change is real.
Solutions abound in this movie. Some simple, some complex. Even our diet plays a role in climate change. The most significant solution is people demanding change. However the barriers to change is media manipulation. This is why the movie is so important. We need to get the word out.
Before the flood is available on most platforms. If you never like Leonardo DiCaprio, this documentary may change your mind. He is an ambassador of peace, and I was truly proud of his commitment to future generations.