Thursday, March 24, 2016

Batkid Begins

In my opinion, selective viewing of movies with children can help with moral development. Many topics can be learned and discussed with your children by viewing selective cinema versus the overstimulated offerings found on television.

Some movies for kids can tap into a child's higher learning regarding character developemt. For example, empathy is not an easy task to teach to a child. It requires examples within literature or our own lives to enhance the learning experience. Finding a cinema experience with any depth about empathy is much harder for parents than one might think. However, there are stories that can lead to conversations that deepen a child's understanding that the world is much bigger than themselves.

One such movie is Batkid Begins. This is a movie about a make a wish project in the San Francisco area that involved a little boy that wanted to be Batman. The project went viral, and the community rallied to provide such an amazing experience for the child.

The movie is a great example that dreams can come true. It also teaches children that it truly takes a village to help make a wish come true. I heard my own children as they watched it say, "Amazing" about 10 times due to feeling the emotions of what the community did for this child. The movie, for my kids, instilled faith that humans, can inspire amazing events, which is very unique attribute that we have the ability to do every day.

The movie is currently on Netflix and major online video rental services. Spend a night with your child and watch this movie. You will not be disappointed.

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